Ulule - September 13, 2022 - Newsletter #4: 🏔🏃‍♀️ D-6 and soon 500% + a gift for you!

Dear supporters,

We hope your return to school went well!

Here we are on D-6 before the end of this magnificent campaign, and at almost 500% collection ! Thanks again !

In this newsletter, we give you news about the project , we tell you about a gift , and we tell you more about our medium-term vision for the game... which will answer a few questions from some of you !


Yesterday, we sent the final visuals to the manufacturer . He will put them through the mill, check that the formats, dimensions, legal notices, etc. are correct. are OK. Then, he will send it all to the printer (based in Nancy). And he will prepare the cutting tools for the various “unique” elements of the game: bibs, board of tokens.

We thought about the details to be as realistic as possible : for example, the bibs have 2 punched holes at the top, to attach them to your favorite bib belt 😁

We're not at our max, right now?!

We (especially Pierre) have therefore finished the graphic elements of the game 🥳. It was an essential step so that we could carry out the rest on time: launching production, ordering demo copies to send them to testers, preparing other distribution channels...

Here you can have a vision of the graphic universe of Trail up! .

On this occasion, Pierre has prepared a timelapse of the evolution of the game board for you:

And if you want to go back even further, here is a copy of my very first prototype: here . It was called " Hell of a Trail " at the time, and it was unplayable 😅. Let's spare a thought for the brave few who tried it!

It also means that the rules of the game are ready 🤓! You can now consult them! We opted for total immersion, and therefore the first page of the rulebook... does not indicate a rulebook, but a racing guide!

How do you like it ?


Since the start of the campaign, we have been asking you to make your copy of Trail up unique! by having a Golden bib with the first name or nickname of your choice. We are delighted to offer you a Golden pawn for any order of a Golden bib to be unique throughout the race! (PS: the supplier tells us that the pawn is “yellow gold”).


This is obviously a retroactive gift, and those who already have a Golden bib will have their Golden pawn!

PS: have you noticed what level of customization we are going to offer you? We can even add color and EMOJI 😎🐹💥!!

We will send you a form to fill out to indicate what you want to write on your Golden Bib!


For those who are curious, here is what we have in mind for the coming months. We don't guarantee that all of this will come out (nor in that order), but we have plenty of ideas to bring this universe to life over time!

  • Trail up! translated into several languages
  • Plateaus located in real massifs, in France and abroad
    • The idea being that we can also buy boards without having to buy an entire game
  • Co-branded editions with trail events
  • An all-star edition? But who would we put then? Kilian, François, Courtney?
  • 5/6 player expansion
  • Power management extension
  • Weather extension and day/night cycles
  • Trail up! in deck of cards only (easier to take everywhere)
  • Setting up a system for the sale/replacement of lost/damaged components.

Don’t hesitate to give us your comments! We really enjoy reading them all!

There's less than a week left in the campaign, so talk about Trail up! around you , and above all, be well!

There are only around sixty boxes left at a preferential rate (33 euros) with free delivery!


See you soon !

The Trail up team!

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