Ulule - August 1, 2022 - Newsletter #1: Trail up! funded in just 6 hours 45 minutes! Tier 1 unlocked!

Dear supporters,

Difficult to put into words yesterday, emotion took over in the face of the enthusiasm of the campaign, so we are only writing to you this morning.

We'll start simply: THANK YOU !!

Thank you for your incredible support, which alone justifies the hundreds of hours spent making this game.

⏱ In 6 hours 45 minutes (how many km do you do trail running in that time?), you proved right a theme, mechanics, values ​​(French manufacturing, 1% of sales donated to environmental associations , no plastic element in the game (only the packaging -> impossible to do without it for the moment, as we explained to you))

🔥 Last night, we reached 125% of the initial objective : we couldn't even congratulate ourselves on reaching 100% as we had already passed the next level!

SO :

🟢 Successful financing: Trail up! will therefore see the light of day thanks to you

🟢 120% level: 8 bibs instead of 4: the bibs will be double-sided ! We can therefore play with 8 different bibs, thus increasing the replayability of Trail up!

🟡 150% level: The bibs will be made of 900g cardboard , and not cardboard (a kind of very thick paper), to extend their lifespan. 900g/m2 is the same thickness as the game board (in general, they are between 700g/m2 and 900/m2 thick), so the bibs will be super resistant!

🚀 We can bet that this level will be reached during the day, because we are already at 132%!

Again, thank you very much for your support!

The Trail up team!

Trail up! in front of Mont Blanc, yesterday, while the campaign was approaching 100%

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